Monday, May 9, 2011

My Little Princess! :)

Her smile makes my day bright
It just makes me feel light
And just to see her sleep tight
I would love to have sleepless nights

People say she looks similar to me
Which I have never agreed upon
For she has always been my angel
A princess who makes me alive

Her small hands that curls my fingers
Those soft legs that kick me softly ,
Every art of her makes me adore her
For she is the special one for me

The bonding between us has reached peaks
For now I just cannot imagine,
The fact that she is gonna leave me
Just leaving tears behind me

Still , I put up a cheerful front
And wave her a bye with a kiss ,
A kiss that ensures closeness forever
As I cannot be myself without her

Time just flies away with her
As she just carried me with her
But , those memories shall always remain
Locked in my heart forever

I can write much more about her
For now , I am just out of words
The reason why I cannot portray her
Is that beautiful things put me at a stop

As of now , I love so much baby
Forever till my last breath
Its you who I will always possess
As the costliest treasure in my life.

                       From K.Sriram Kumar  To My Dearest Niece Samyuktha


Kram said...

Fantastic! Fabulous! Brilliant! Superb! very very well written! the best ever!

Sriram said...

thanks a lot! !:)