Monday, May 16, 2011


Santosh, as the name suggests, was a very care-free rich guy. He just knew one thing about life. Its just once that you  get a chance to live it and so live it to the fullest. Whereas, Ajay on the other hand was from a very poor background, thriving parents, poverty stricken life, and everything on improvement of the family's standards depended on him. Both were doing their B.E (Mechanical) at PSG College of Engineering, Coimbatore.

Accidently or Unknowingly, they became room-mates at their hostel and as time elapsed, they turned to be good friends. Santosh being a rich guy, he used to take Ajay for outings, pubs, hotels which were farfetched for Ajay's living. As they sailed with time, both became inter-dependent for each others survival, that is.. When the semester exams were about to start, Ajay helped Santosh get good scores and Santosh helped the condition of Ajay's family to be stable for living.

As time passed by, they reached the 3rd year of their college lives which had a sudden twist. Aditi, was a fresher to the college pursuing her career at the Computer science Department of PSG. The boys who always stay together wherever they move, met Aditi together at the canteen on second day of her college.

Their thoughts varied on seeing her for the first time. Each had his own description about her beauty.

The stylish stud Santosh thought :

Aval Ulaga Azhagiyae
Nenjil Vizhindha Aruviyae
Andha Neela Veliyilae
Nenjam Neendha Thudithadhe

Or-Vaerillaamal Neerillaamal Kannirandil Kaadhal Poothadhae
Or-Yaedillaamal Ezhuththillaamal Paadal Ondru Paarvai Paarthadhae.. 

Sooner or later, he fell in love with Aditi..
But, Ajay did not find Aditi impressive. Rather, he never saw her physical beauty but her face told a lot of bad things about her to Ajay. So, Ajay did not find her character charming as her physical beauty was.

Aditi, she was a girl from an upper middle class family with long blond hair, heart-shaped face, huge blue eyes which were beautiful, adorable dimples, naughty but charming smile and brilliant white teeth. No one can just look her once and turn away. SHE WAS AMAZING.

With not much said about Ajay, Yes. Sooner or later Ajay was also in a relationship with Lavanya. Lavanya was a very poor girl with homely and traditional behaviour. They fell in love during their second year of college life. But, Lavanya didnt want Ajay to tell about their relationship to his close friend Santosh for her own concerns.

But, later it was high time in their 3rd year so Ajay told about Lavanya to Santosh. And Santosh knowing that his friend was so happy with a girl for more than a year, he sooner wanted to fall in love with Aditi. But, as it always happens in life, poor parents of Lavanya have come to know of this love between Ajay and their daughter and so they being uneducated took evasive actions.

Lavanya's parents being poor, they wanted their daughter to marry a rich guy so that their family can be stable and they wanted their daughter to be happy unlike them. So, they didnt provide any room for improvement in her love. She was forcibly taken away from the college!

The pain of separation was inescapable. Ajay was left back with only memories of Lavanya and him being together. The pain that was caused due to love affected him so much that even Santosh his bestest friend could not pull him out of such a disaster.

Aditi being a fresher to the college didnt know much of the stories of seniors in the college. Everytime her eyes struck Ajay and Santosh in the canteen, she just found out one thing. Santosh being dumbstruck at her beauty and Ajay not bothering much about who was seeing him. Being a beautiful girl, she liked the way Ajay was reacting to her beauty. She liked his attitude unlike Santosh who everytime falls for her fresh.

As conversations began between Santosh and Aditi, she said she wanted to meet Ajay at the nearby coffee shop that evening. Without any further question on that, Santosh agreed upon what she said. He was sure that if he said anything that Ajay should do. Ajay would be ready to do. And even, Ajay was slowly recovering from his pain. But, his heart was full of her smiles. At their room hours later, Ajay agreed upon meeting with Aditi at the coffee shop and thought it would make no change in him as he didnt like Aditi's attitude and always wanted Santosh to stay from her which was definitely an Himalayan task!!

At the coffee shop in the evening, Aditi was already waiting for Ajay eagerly. But, Ajay with no expectations just went as a formal meeting. All started off with Aditi chatting very formally with Ajay and his replies being more formal. Suddenly, she wanted to tell something important to him. He was not eager to know about it as he had already guessed what it must be. As he guessed right, Aditi proposed Ajay with that beautiful dimple bright face awaiting a positive reply. Ajay was still in memories of his past life and just made a move outside without any reply. Aditi, was shattered and left back with tears.

As Ajay returned to the room, he saw a very excited Santosh who was completely on a high to know what happened at the coffee shop. As Ajay did not want to hide anything from him, he told what happened at the cafe. Santosh was broken completely, he did not believe what Ajay had told him. He always wanted Aditi to fall for him and when it did not happen he considered himself a failure which in life he never wanted to be. Before they were about to sleep, Santosh told Ajay that it was completely his life and so he should take the right decision. Both had a completely different night, Ajay with completely in memories of Lavanya and Santosh crying badly that his friend had taken away his dream.

Next day morning, Santosh had a sour throat with a blood red eye. He slowly started to stay away from Ajay as he thought he was lying just to make him move away from Aditi. He develops hatred towards him by not helping Ajay in anyway and during semester exams he starts to avoid Ajay's help. In the mean time, he starts spending more time with Aditi by taking her out, texting, chatting trying all means to gain attraction towards Aditi. Things got worse when Santosh decided to cook up stories about Ajay and change Aditi's perspective about Ajay. 

Aditi did not know about Lavanya's relationship with Ajay at all. So Santosh took that as an advantage and developed stories on that. He told her that Ajay was going around madly behind Lavanya and disturbed her too much and compelled her to marry him.On the other hand Lavanya was not even bothered about Ajay. To add fuel to fire, he told Aditi that Ajay was even planning to kill Lavanya's husband and kidnap her to marry her again.Aditi who completely believed Santosh, started to hate Ajay to the core. She believed Santosh blindly and was thankful to him for saving her from a bad guy. But, Ajay on the other side was crying within as he was badly missing Lavanya.


It was their final year and Santosh was almost about to fall in relationship with Aditi. When they were talking about their past college years. Santosh was completely shocked to see someone walking towards them. He wanted to divert Aditi somewhere else. But he failed as Aditi caught notice of that person who was dressed in a very simple saree. As the person moved more closer, Aditi was eager to know who it was. A soft depressed voice spoke out to Aditi who had Santosh alongside with her. "Can I see Ajay?" was the question. Immediately Aditi ordered Santosh to bring him and so he left.

Aditi wanted to know who the person was and so they got a chance to talk alone for sometime..

ADITI : May I know who you are?

LAVANYA: I am Lavanya, I studied at this college a year back. Due to unfortunate circumstances my parents had 
               to take me away from the college and get me married.

ADITI : So, its you..! The girl who was chased so badly , tortured, pressurized by Ajay and still you wanna end       
            up meeting him. You know that he was a rogue who thought of even ruining your life by murdering your              
            husband and you still wanna come to see him..??                                                 

LAVANYA : Shut up!! What do you know about Ajay? He is such a gem of a person. And listen to the truth, we both fell in love with each other. My parents didnt let this proceed and so they took me out of the college to get me married soon. Without even telling him I left the college that day, its been a year and a half since I saw him. And now was the chance I got to see him to deliver a good and bad news.

ADITI : What are you saying? The relationship was mutual between both of you? Then why did Santosh tell me the other way around? All bad things that changed my opinion on Ajay! 

LAVANYA : Haha.. Does Santosh love you? 

ADITI : Badly.. He is so crazy about me. The day I proposed to Ajay and he rejected, from that day onwards he started to stay with me more than him. He impressed me by many ways.

LAVANYA : Just to create a bad opinion and make you forget Ajay, Santosh has done this. Even in dreams i cant imagine of Ajay having a negative character! He is so pure like a crystal. 

ADITI : Oh my god, I have been so foolish to listen to Santosh just because Ajay did not accept my proposal. Now I know the reason why he has refused my proposal. He must have badly been arrested in your thoughts..


Lavanya's face grew the brightest it could ever get after seeing Ajay after almost two years. Santosh who was next to him knew what would have probably happened and decided to plead guilty. Aditi called Santosh and asked him whether what Lavanya said was true. Full of guilt, Santosh just could not lift his face up. Aditi was so disappointed with herself. 

Lavanya who wanted to talk to Ajay got her turn. She said she had a good and a bad news to tell her. Asking for the good thing first she said she was 3 months pregnant and for the bad thing was that her husband died in a plane crash last month.  

Almost in tears with mixed emotions Ajay had his chance to talk. He held the hands of Santosh and Aditi together and told Aditi that it happens in love. If one starts to love someone very deeply, they dont even know whether what they are doing is right or wrong. All they look for is to get their girl for which they will be ready to do the cheapest thing on earth. Adding more he said, if he had stood in same position of Santosh, he would have done the same. Ajay with his speech convinced Aditi. Aditi and Santosh hugged. Ajay was happy. To Lavanya, all he wanted to promise was that he was ready to be a financial aid to her small family and the baby's future. 

Emotions filled with happiness on one side for Santosh and Aditi through love and happiness on other side for Ajay and Lavanya through satisfaction in both lives.  Santosh cried badly asking for complete forgiveness to Ajay for which Ajay all had to say... "DUDE, SHALL WE GO TO THE CANTEEN TOGETHER AGAIN AND SHARE A CUP OF  TEA?" :)

                                                                                                          A STORY BY
                                                                                                        Sriram Kumar

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Little Princess! :)

Her smile makes my day bright
It just makes me feel light
And just to see her sleep tight
I would love to have sleepless nights

People say she looks similar to me
Which I have never agreed upon
For she has always been my angel
A princess who makes me alive

Her small hands that curls my fingers
Those soft legs that kick me softly ,
Every art of her makes me adore her
For she is the special one for me

The bonding between us has reached peaks
For now I just cannot imagine,
The fact that she is gonna leave me
Just leaving tears behind me

Still , I put up a cheerful front
And wave her a bye with a kiss ,
A kiss that ensures closeness forever
As I cannot be myself without her

Time just flies away with her
As she just carried me with her
But , those memories shall always remain
Locked in my heart forever

I can write much more about her
For now , I am just out of words
The reason why I cannot portray her
Is that beautiful things put me at a stop

As of now , I love so much baby
Forever till my last breath
Its you who I will always possess
As the costliest treasure in my life.

                       From K.Sriram Kumar  To My Dearest Niece Samyuktha