Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beauty of a Girl

At dawn, I see the sun rise,
Casting its light on those beautiful eyes,
As the sun rises up, I see a rainbow,
Everything so mysterious, it's like my mind is ready to blow.

Gloomy places I go to, full of sadness and noise,
Gloomy they are, yet I go coz I got no other choice.
Gloomy were they, until I heard your voice,
Yes, it was that melody, one of God's own choice.

I feel your mere presence,
It has its own special essence.
Yet even when you're not around,
My heart rings your magical sounds.

You are a written script so indepth,
Need keep no hidden secrets.
You're a wonder I completely admire,
If i say i'm blind about your presence, I'd only be a liar.

You are a treat for the men’s eyes
Jam for their souls, subject to their dreams.
You should be the envy of all women
With skin so delicate as linen.

You are the reason why now I write
These simple lines so soft and lite.
Yet, no amount of art can, e’en for a while
Describe the true beauty bestowed on your smile..

-Sriram Kumar!