Friday, October 15, 2010

Pain- Inside Myself...

Lonely and hurt
Broken I remain..
Residing in hell
Living in pain..

Masked by lies
I slowly fade away
The nightmare I live with,
each and everyday..

"Stay strong, keep going"
"Its never too late.." they said
No one seems to realize
Its no worth to wait..

There is nothing called,
Help outside your own self
Its you against yourself
With the demons intertwined

Its a battle hard fought,
But never to be won..
Either way, you end up losing,
When its all said and done...

Too late she came and passed
and of now, there is nothing more
I wrote my own ending,
And I shut my own door..

"Live your life to the fullest"
thats what they all advised..
But whats the point trying..


This is not my own poem.. But I just posted it coz I love the way the guy has written it! :) 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Love Its Magical :)

Its a word commonly used
When two hearts are completely fused..
When just the thought of her gives delight
Its shows the bonding is very tight..

When I look into her eyes
A cold breeze,freezes me..
And, the moment she smiles,
She waves off my cries completely..

Either way I end up thinking of her
Waiting for that moment in life,
That moment when I have her shoulders forever
As she completely becomes mine...

The happiness in seeing her smile everytime,
Is uncountable as the stars in the sky..
Its my duty to keep that dimple active
As long as she lives with me..

I was a lonely guy amidst darkness
She pulled me away and showed me light,
The time when she held my hand to lead the way
I thought I should never leave them forever

The times I have had problems
I search for her shoulders to rest on,
The tap she gives me on my head softly
Gives me equal relief as my mother's laps..

As of now forever, I dont wanna lose you
As you have become my life forever
The pain of separation is unexplainable
But, I'm sure you wont put me back to darkness again..! :)

Sriram Kumar....